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Archetypal leadership archetypes leadership values Jan 18, 2020

Archetypal leadership is nothing new. In fact, it is one of the oldest philosophical approaches to leadership there is – common across cultures, continents and languages. We use it every day when we talk about the “tyrant” manager, the young executive who is...

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Performance ecology: personal excellence courage personal excellence self-awareness self-discipline wellbeing May 15, 2019

In order for individuals to excel, teams to be effective and organisations to be capable, there needs to be a sustainable performance ecology focused on personal excellence. If any one of these elements is not developed, the ecology (just as in the environmental sense) is compromised.


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Authenticity and confidence authenticity confidence courage Apr 08, 2019

Two words I often hear when I am coaching people or working with senior leadership teams are: "authenticity" and "confidence". I have my own opinions about what I think these words really mean, however, it's fascinating the dynamic that often unfolds between these two terms.



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Leadership challenge: the restructure addiction executive leadership organisational change Mar 24, 2019

“Change is the changeless state”, is a phrase commonly attributed to Buddha. And it certainly seems to have become a truth, a mantra, an operating system even, for most modern organisations, to the point that they are suffering from the restructure addiction leadership challenge.


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Reward the right performance attention performance Mar 09, 2019

Most managers focus on their staff’s performance in the context of technical tasks performed that lead to defined outputs. And let’s face it, there’s nothing particularly wrong with that. In fact, most managers would argue that the core defining characteristic of their role is...

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Lead with emotionally intelligent communication emotional intelligence leadership Feb 04, 2019

When leading others, it’s important for leaders to recognise that much of the noise, the todo, the drama and carrying on that we could so easily hold judgments around, is often simply, a cry for help. We could even change that phrase, “a cry for help” into something more...

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What you practise, you become flexibility point of view skills story telling Nov 05, 2018

There's an old idea: what you practice, you become proficient at. What you are proficient at, you tend to prefer, because you're good at it. What you prefer becomes your point of view, and ultimately, you create a story for yourself that can become hard to escape from. This isn't always bad. But...

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